Danh sách môn học củaErasmus+

Course Semester Hours ECTS
Remote Sensing and GIS Winter 60 5
Environmental Pollution Summer 45 3.5
Data mining in Earth Science Winter 45 3.5
Physical Oceanography in The East Sea Winter/Summer 30 3
Marine Governance and Marine Economics Winter/Summer 30 3
Marine Environmental Resources and Climate
Winter 30 3
Introduction to Thermodynamics of the Atmosphere Winter 30 3
Dynamics of Marine Environment Summer 45 3.5
Coastal Processes Summer 45 3.5
Dynamics of Atmospheric Environment Summer 45 3.5
Marine Eco-hydrology Dynamics Summer 45 3.5
Modelling Tools Winter 75 5.5
Integrated Coastal Zone Management Winter/Summer 30 3
Coastal Processes Along the Mekong Delta Summer 45 3.5
Special subjects of natural risk and environmental
Winter 30 3
Advanced Data Mining Techniques and Applications Winter 45 3.5
Application of Advanced Technology in Agro
Winter 45 3.5

Link Erasmus+ Course catalogue