Continuing the activity of Connecting with Enterprises to develop together in 2022 along with the University’s policy, the department has combined with the Faculty of Physics.
Physics – Technical Physics organized the Day “Career Talk – Connecting for mutual development in 2023” on Friday, August 25, 2023 at the University of Natural Sciences, Nguyen Van Cu campus. The event was honored to welcome more than 30 partners, companies and agencies, including 6 related agencies using human resources trained by department.
Regarding the participants of the Faculty, they include the Board of Directors of the Faculty of Physics – Technical Physics, Heads of Departments and Lecturers of the Faculty, and alumni and students of the Faculty and Department of Physics, Nuclear Engineering and Oceanography.

Contents of report on implementation in the last year:
- Report on improving and updating the training content based on comments at the 2022 Talk. Besides, adding soft skills such as communication, teamwork, working attitude, Foreign language skills (English), programming skills… through short-term classes taught by foreign professors as well as creating conditions for students to participate in international competitions.
- Strengthen links with businesses, seek collaborative scientific research projects between lecturers and researchers of the Faculty and relevant agencies so that students can access scientific research work. Summary data has shown that recently there has been an increase in the number of students participating in scientific research with lecturers in the subject and supervisors of graduation theses and attending reports at the Scientific Conference.
- For enrollment: deparment has a routine to attract enrollment as well as PR marketing on channels such as website, youtube and Facebook, and livestream for enrollment consulting. In addition, we are building new modules with interdisciplinary applications such as: Data mining in Earth Sciences, Coastal processes in the Mekong Delta, and topics on natural disasters. environmental impact assessment, application of advanced technology in agricultural meteorology.
- Đối với công tác tuyển sinh: BM đã có lộ trình thu hút tuyển sinh cũng như PR marketing trên các kênh như website, youtube và Facbook, livestream tư vấn tuyển sinh.
- Bên cạnh đó, BM đã và đang xây dựng các học phần mới mang tính ứng dụng liên ngành như: Khai thác dữ liệu trong Khoa học Trái đất, Các quá trình ven bờ vùng Đồng Bằng Sông Cửu Long, Các chuyên đề tai biến thiên nhiên và đánh gia tác động môi trường, Ứng dụng công nghệ tiên tiến trong khí tượng nông nghiệp.

Mr. Lam Dao Nguyen, Vietnam Space Center exchanged comments on subjects and soft skills required of students upon graduation.

exchanged comments on subjects and soft skills required of students upon graduation.
Some key discussions at the Seminar that Enterprises raised and contributed to:
- Enhance students’ soft skills and foreign language skills
- Strengthen internship models for students at agencies and companies
- Additional training in programming languages
- Tăng cường thêm kỹ năng mềm, kỹ năng ngoại ngữ của sinh viên
- Tăng cường mô hình thực tập cho sinh viên tại cơ quan, công ty
- Đào tạo thêm ngôn ngữ lập trình
The purpose of Career Talk 2023 is to organize connecting and continuing activities to maintain a sustainable relationship between Faculty/Department and Enterprise with the following content:
- Continue to receive feedback on training programs and activities
- Teaching activities of the subject from agencies
- Continue to create conditions for students of the Faculty/subject access job information, career orientation more easily, as well as increase sightseeing, learning and practical internships before graduation.
With the spirit of connection and development, the “Career Talk 2023” festival of the Faculty of Physics and Engineering Physics took place successfully. The festival is a place to consult with stakeholders from many different aspects including training units, businesses and studying alumni with the goal of developing sustainable relationships between Faculty/departments and Business.
Source: Dept of OMH