Department of Oceanology, Meteorology and Hydrology has cooperated on Mekong Research Project with diverse organizations and universities under Office of Naval Research sponsor for a year. The Workshop was organized at VNU-University of Science, Ho Chi Minh City on 14 – 15 September, 2015 to reach main goals:
- To Share preliminary observational data and modeling resultss
- To Integrate ideas from diverse disciplines and linked environments
- To Coordinate plans for special session at Ocean Sciences meeting (Feb 2016);
- To Prepare for an integrated written volume of results

Professors, Experts and Students Attended the Workshop

Prof. Vu Hai Quan – Vice President of VNU-University of Science, Prof. Vo Luong Hong Phuoc – Head of Department of Oceanology, Meteorology and Hydrology gave some presents to the Sponsor and cooperators.

Dr. Thomas Drake – Director of Ocean, Atmosphere and Space Research (ONR) – giving presents to Leadres of VNU-University of Science
The Workshop was done successfully and promising more possible opportunities in further cooperation in the field of oceanography and hydrology in Mekong Delta.
Besides, professors and experts held a Workshop on Modeling of Hydrodynamic and Marine Processes on 16 – 20/9/2015 to train young researchers and students.

Attendants presented their projects

Attendants gained certificate from the training workshop