On November 10, 2024, at the University of Science, VNU-HCM (Room B35, Campus 1), a thesis defense was held for Ph.D. candidate Tran Xuan Dung in the field of Geophysics. The advisors included Assoc. Prof. Vo Luong Hong Phuoc (Faculty of Physics – Engineering Physics) and Dr. Le Anh Ha (Faculty of Mathematics – Informatics).

The defense provided an opportunity for the Ph.D. candidate to present and defend research ideas and findings before the scientific committee, as well as to receive feedback from experts to refine the study.

Ph.D. candidate Tran Xuan Dung defended two topics:

Topic 1: “Hydrodynamics in the Cu Lao Dung Area, Soc Trang.” This topic focuses on analyzing the hydrodynamic characteristics (waves, currents, tides, and sediment) in the mangrove area of Cu Lao Dung, Soc Trang. The research methods for Topic 1 included field surveys, on-site measurements, and data analysis.

Topic 2: “Hydrodynamic and Salinity Propagation Modeling in the Cu Lao Dung Area, Soc Trang.” This topic focuses on developing a model to calculate hydrodynamics and salinity propagation for the study area. The aim of Topic 2 is to build a hydrodynamic model applicable to both the estuarine and mangrove regions. This is a highly complex and dynamic area influenced by both natural factors and human activities.

The Ph.D. candidate presented the content of Topic 1

The Ph.D. candidate presented the content of Topic 2

The evaluation committee, including experts Assoc. Prof. Dang Truong An (University of Science, VNU-HCM), Dr. Le Dinh Mau, and Dr. Vu Tuan Anh (Institute of Oceanography), took the time to listen and provide feedback to the Ph.D. candidate. Additionally, Assoc. Prof. Le Quang Toai (University of Science, VNU-HCM) and faculty members from the Department of Oceanology, Meteorology, and Hydrology were present at the defense. Both topics received valuable feedback, helping the candidate refine and enhance the content of the research.

The defense was successful and provided valuable knowledge, marking an important step in the research journey of Ph.D. candidate Tran Xuan Dung.

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